About US and Our Prospective

Soaring on Destiny is Adonai Elohim’s (the Lord God’s) path and purpose for me, especially because of John 14:26. God’s Holy Spirit is the foundation for my ministry: God’s Truth with Free Will. There were only Goy (Gentile; Goyim plural for Gentiles) people on earth in Gen. 10:5. The bloodline (genealogy) of Abram leads back to Shem, therefore Ishmael is from the bloodline of Shem and Ham because Mizraim is the ancient name for Egypt, Egyptian (Hagar, Gen. 10:6, Gen. 12:16 & Gen. 21:8-21), but not the covenant (Gen. 17:18-21). Miracles from God formed Israel, not bloodline. Sarah was barren. God’s promise and a miracle allowed her and Avraham to receive a son, Yitzchak (Isaac). Rebekah was also barren. God blessed her to carry a miracle of two nations in her womb (Gen. 25:23), one was Goy – Esau; Yaakov (Jacob or James in Greek/English) was chosen. God named him Israel (Gen. 32). Israel was the father of twelve sons who became twelve tribes. Their descendants are the house of Israel (Matt. 10:1-7). Yehoshua & Yeshua are Hebrew names (Joshua in Greek/ English). Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Church of England changed the language from Hebrew to Greek (see Aleph to Tav in Ps. 119). Covenant changed to testament, Yeshua to Jesus, Yochanon the Immerser is called John the Baptist, and Miryam is called Mary, Philistines to Palestinians. Israelites stoned people to death, Num. 15: 35-36. Leaders of Judah (changed to Judea) accused Yeshua. Rome, Roman soldiers placed Yeshua on a Gentile cross, an inhumane method of death (John 18: 30-32) where for the first time Yeshua suffered separation from God as he gave his life for us all. Matt. 28:16-20 OJB gives the final message of Messiah (Christ) to his talmidim (students desiring to be as their teacher). Rome changed the name of Yeshua’s followers to disciples (men from the house of Israel, including Sha’ul, Acts 13:9, Phil. 3:2-6). At Antioch they were first called Christian (Acts 11:25-26). Rome removed Passover, a feast God commanded to be observed forever (Ex. 12:1-14, Lev. 23), and replaced it with Easter, named after their idol god Ishtar, god of fertility and war. Heavens became replaced with the word planets. Planets are also named after idols: Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Venus, etc. The house of Israel preserved the word of God (stone & scrolls, Gen. 31:18, John 3:3). Gentiles who refuse to live born again stole it to receive power and recognition through a worldwide religion, Christianity. God and Yeshua want unity, not religious divisions (Eph. 2:1-14, Prov. 6:16-19, Rev. 22:10-12). Priests (not Levites) still exist, yet we know Yeshua is our final priest (Hebrews 7:11-17). As the Holy Spirit leads you, listen to my YouTube channel and subscribe.

God's Truth with Free Will
Video Podcast

Join Evangelist Esther Ross each Thursday at 6:00pm Central for a new episode of God’s Truth with Free Will on Youtube!

Yeshua is our chief cornerstone,
Eph. 2:20 & 1 Peter 2:5-7

Born in a stone manger

Get the Book

Destined to Soar

Yeshua was laid in a stone tomb


Ridiculous with Reasons

Whose Will Is Done

Untold Facts, Truth or Trade Part 2

Untold Facts, Truth or Trade Part 1

A Miracle of Faith

Obey or Die Slowly